
My name is David Burrows and I am a freelance translator of Spanish into English. This blog contains some of my favourite words, a (mostly) amusing explanation of said words as well as some of my musings about translation. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


Noun - Shrewd initiative and resourcefulness.
Origin - Unknown origin.
You just have to say this word to like it. The two syllables combine harmoniously to form an un-complex but ultimately pleasing word. I find the words shrewd and resourcefulness can often have negative connotations (generally because people use their shrewdness and resourcefulness to get one up on you) but gumption has a clear smile on its face. And not the Forest Gump type of smile, one that is glad to help you and knows a good way to do it. Bonus points are earned for having a mysterious, unknown origin.

P.S. Don't you think it's a shame that the bottles of gumption are full of cleaning liquid and not some sort of tasty alcoholic beverage. A type of gin perhaps.

P.P.S Maybe I'm just thirsty.

P.P.P.S. Think about it though: the marketing writes itself. "Nothing like some nice, cold gumption at the end of the day." "Bartender, your gumption is fantastic." "Why drink normal gin when you can drink gumption!" Etc.

1 comment:

  1. The fist place I heard this word was Sabrina the teenaged witch...I know its terrible but it did decribe her character perfectly
