
My name is David Burrows and I am a freelance translator of Spanish into English. This blog contains some of my favourite words, a (mostly) amusing explanation of said words as well as some of my musings about translation. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday 21 April 2010


Noun: unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.
Anyone ever noticed how George W. Bush sounds like 'gibberish'? Coincidence? Poetic Justice?

It's amazing quite how amusing I find gibberish: the sight and sound of someone or something uttering nonsensical noises is somehow really funny. The word itself causes almost the same amount of mirth, probably because it has the same 'gib' sound as 'giblets', another personal favourite. That's it really, there is much you can say about gibberish that isn't just nonsense.

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