
My name is David Burrows and I am a freelance translator of Spanish into English. This blog contains some of my favourite words, a (mostly) amusing explanation of said words as well as some of my musings about translation. I hope you enjoy it.

Friday 13 November 2009


Noun - a small insect-eating songbird.
"Ok, you can stop rolling around on the floor now, my name isn't that funny."

Yes, I know it's puerile but who can resist a chuckle at this humorous word? It is one of those words that can make anyone giggle like a girl, especially if you drop it unexpectedly and randomly into a conversation. Another amusing aspect of this word, and one which in my mind increases its merit, is that it doesn't actually refer to a mouse. As you can see from the definition above it is the 'tit' which is important, seeing as it is a small bird in the same family as the great tit and the blue tit, which are fairly common in Britain (although titmice are North American).
As you can see from the picture, it is quite a cute little thing and judging from my brief research on Wikipedia, it acts much as you would expect a small bird to act. However, all this information is secondary as no-one will get past the fact that it is called a tufted titmouse (tee hee hee).

I don't usually put two pictures up but look at it, it's floating. Hilarious. It gets funnier the more you look at it.
Also, I jumped at the chance to put more pictures of tits on my blog. Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Great Tit - used to make me giggle all the time, ok I still do it can't be helped!
