
My name is David Burrows and I am a freelance translator of Spanish into English. This blog contains some of my favourite words, a (mostly) amusing explanation of said words as well as some of my musings about translation. I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday 12 November 2009


Adjective- Easily set on fire.

"But you said it was inflammable!"

Despite my affection for fire and flammable things, especially fireworks, I have to admit that I really dislike this word. The simple reason being that it is wrong. Whoever invented or adapted it was clearly having an off day. Surely it should mean: NOT easily set on fire. Lets look at similar words: invisible - CANNOT be seen. Invincible - CANNOT be beaten. Insatiatiable - CANNOT be satisfied. Injudicious - NOT wise, showing POOR judgement. The list goes on but you get the idea.
Besides, there is already a word with the same meaning: Flammable. Even the dictionary has a note saying that there is often confusion between the two and that flammable should be used to avoid misinterpretation. It is just stupid. I mean, what sort of word means the exact opposite of what it should?
Lets just get rid of it. Delete it from the dictionaries. Change its meaning. Burn its head in, I'm sure it's inflammable. No, wait, flammable. Gaaahh.

1 comment:

  1. This word has been confusing me for years. I totally agree with you they need to get rid of it. Viva la dictionary revolution
