
My name is David Burrows and I am a freelance translator of Spanish into English. This blog contains some of my favourite words, a (mostly) amusing explanation of said words as well as some of my musings about translation. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday 19 April 2010


From the noun, polyrhythm: the use of two or more different rhythms simultaneously.
Genetic mutation - probably the only way I will ever be able to play good polyrhythms.

This word is brilliant. Twelve letters and only two vowels: it's as if it was actually playing a complicated polyrhythm of consonants and vowels.
Obviously the word is extra special to me because I play drums and a well played polyrhythm will make my hairs stand on end (even the ones on my head, which is quite an impressive feat, considering the length.) Polyrhythms are best expressed on drums (but I would say that) and it is a case of playing a combination of rhythms at the same time with your hands and feet. i.e. your right hand is playing one thing while your left is playing something else at the same time as your feet are playing something different on the bass drum. This is akin to rubbing your head and patting your stomach. While hopping on one foot. On a treadmill. It has every possibility of failing dismally but I think (yes, drummers are capable of thought (well, most of us anyway)) that if you can get your head round them they sound great. Just like the word.

1 comment:

  1. Tis a great word but I can't read further now I'm hyponotised by your impersonation of the Godess Durga and rather afraid...
